We love helping people declutter
Sue is honored and excited to be the first and only Certified KonMari Consultant in Arkansas.
The KonMari Method™, made famous by Marie Kondo, author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is simple. We help you declutter first, then decide where to store everything you've chosen to keep.
Learn more about the KonMari Method™ here.
Why we believe using the KonMari Method™ is life-changing
The emphasis is on keeping what you love, not on what you get rid of, which makes a huge difference.
We teach you to sort by category, rather than room, and in a specific order, which makes things less overwhelming.
We teach you the KonMari folding method, which makes storing your belongings a pleasure.
Once your home is tidied, it's unbelievably simple to keep it tidied, leaving you more time to spend on family, friends or hobbies that spark joy.
We love doing workshops!
If you’d like to have us come share the KonMari Basics with your group-large or small-we’d be thrilled. The events are interactive and informative, and will give your group a great start on their tidying journey.
As seen in…
You may be wondering…
Will you force me to become minimalist?
Don’t worry, we don’t “make” you get rid of anything. Rather, we teach you how to decide which of your possessions spark joy and are meaningful to you, and which of them you are ready to release with gratitude.
What if I don’t want anything to go to waste?
If you would like, we would be happy to take a carload of discards per session to one of the charities in town that are thrilled to have the things you are ready to let go of. We have a list of some great donation destinations in and around Central Arkansas.
Why should I pay for this?
Sometimes it's difficult to know where to start. Having someone trained in the KonMari method, encouraging you as you go through the tidying process, can make all the difference.
Send your belongings to good homes
We have a list of worthy causes to which you can donate your discarded items. Even some stuff you might think to throw away (mascara wands, dog toys, etc.) may be put to good use. Our list is always growing and we’d love to hear about your favorite donation destinations! Email carly@tidynest.net if you’d like to contribute.